The purpose of the first International Conference on Technology, Communication and Education (i-TCE) is to create a link for experts in the fields of education, technology and communication. It also aims at using the latest technologies in learning academics, research, applications and commercial levels. Moreover, the conference aims to be the rendezvous of researchers in the field world wide to exchange ideas and to enrich the subject. Six simultaneous tracks will be held that cover different aspects of the conference including E-learning technology, Education and ethics, Organization and management, Evaluation and standards, Applications and E-learning curriculum issues.
Authors should highlight features and benefits of applying the latest advances in technology and communication to the area of educational and learning, with special emphasis on e-learning. Thus, papers describing advanced e-learning systems, tools, technologies and future directions of applying technology and communication advancement are welcomed. Papers describing original works are invited in any of the areas listed below. Accepted papers, presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the proceedings of i-TCE. Paper acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality.
Submitted papers should be in English language and of maximum length of 6 pages using the format style indicated. The program committee will review all papers and notify the contact author, by email. Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its contributions and problems or domains to which they are applicable. The paper must be carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling. Papers should be submitted using the i-TCE web-based submission facility.
The camera-ready format should be strictly used for all submitted papers. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format only. Please check and carefully follow the instructions and templates provided in the i-TCE webpage. (Please refer to
Full paper submission: December 17th, 2007
Author notification: January 15th, 2008
Final camera-ready submission: February 20th, 2008
i-TCE Secretariat
Computer Engineering Department - Kuwait University P.O. Box : 5969 Safat, Kuwait
Postal Code:13060